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Crowns / Bridges

A crown is a fixed prosthesis that replaces one tooth. A series of crowns can be manufactured to replace multiple teeth. The dentist can place a crown over an existing tooth or on an implant. Crowns are manufactured by the dental technician and are therefore often more aesthetic but also more expensive than a normal filling.


A bridge is an example of a fixed prosthesis that can replace 1 or more teeth and can be placed on natural teeth or on implants. 


Both a crown and a bridge can be made of multiple types of materials including zirconium, lithium disilicate glass (e-max), porcelain and other ceramics or combinations. The final choice depends on your specific situation and the function of the tooth region that is being replaced and it is best to discuss this with your dentist.

Minimun invasive dentistry

Dental restoration using a complete crown is a thing of the past as far as The Smile Clinic is concerned. We work from the so-called "minimally invasive dentistry" philosophy. This focuses on the maximum preservation of natural teeth tissue. We only choose for a crown when a filling, inlay or onlay is no longer possible.


Include bleaching? If, as part of the cosmetic treatment plan, you also choose to whiten your teeth, then it is important to match the color of your crown/bridge accordingly. We are happy to advise you on this.

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