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When a tooth cannot be restored, causes severe inflammation or is supernumerary, it can be removed. In our practice this is done by the periodontist under local anesthesia. If you want a replacement to fill in the created space, you can discuss the possibilities with us.

After the extraction

Depending on the size of the wound, the practitioner will decide whether or not the extraction wound should be stitched. Until the anesthetic wears off you are not allowed to eat. The day of the extraction you should not drink hot beverages nor rinse your mouth. Try to minimize smoking or drinking alcohol the first day after the procedure. In the first 2-3 days, the wound may swell slightly and feel uncomfortable. You can then take painkillers. Ask the dentist about this.


If you feel severe pains two days after the tooth has been removed, it may be that the blood clot has loosened or dissolved, or food remains have entered the cavity. We then speak of a dry socket syndrome. It is important that you then go to your dentist.

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